The Use of Effective Dose as a Radiological Protection Quantity

Draft document: The Use of Effective Dose as a Radiological Protection Quantity
Submitted by Shinichiro Miyazaki, As an individual
Commenting on behalf of the organisation

 Dose quantities are the essential part of the radiological protection system (RPS). The draft paper regarding the effective dose contains very important issues for the future RPS. After Publication 118 and “Statement on Tissue Reaction” (ICRP, 2012), the basic concept of tissue reaction has been changed from Publication 41 or Publication 103. This draft will be very productive by taking account of the future development regarding the non-cancer detriment which is written in “Chapter 2 Health Effects” of the draft paper.

In “Statement on Tissue Reaction”, an equivalent dose limit for the lens of the eye was recommended. In addition, some suggestions regarding the absorbed dose threshold for circulatory disease were included. But the detriment of non-cancer (tissue reactions) has not been clarified in the RPS until now.

For example, threshold dose in ICRP Publication118 (ICRP, 2012) is defined as the dose estimated to result in 1% incidence above background disease rates for a defined tissue reaction. “1% incidence” and “shape of dose response curve regarding each non-cancer disease” need to be discussed more specific.


Based on the current biological research development, the difference between cancer and non-cancer will be an important issue. In this regard, tissue stem cell biology concept which Publication 131 discussed will be focused on more in the next RPS process.
